Saturday, January 12, 2019

Better Benefitting Natural Sleep Medicine

Sleep medicine could be the answer if you have ever experienced severe difficulties sleeping? Now if you tried over the counter sleep aid, you’d certainly understand natural sleeping pills could be the answer to those taxing late nights lying in bed for hours, tossing and turning. Where to go for relief? Whenever possible, you should aim instead to get sleep by natural means rather than packing your body full of the negative stuff in many sleeping pills.  Natural sleeping pills? An over the counter sleep aid? What to get? While some turn to prescription sleep medicine to try to get some rest, these can also have some unpleasant side-effects.

Many people are unable to function the day after they take sleep medicine, whether it’s an over the counter sleep aid or prescription sleep medicine, they wake up feeling groggy, depressed and hungover. Getting a proper night’s sleep is a very important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Rest is a key factor in keeping our bodies functioning optimally; physically, mentally, and emotionally. Far from shutting off, your brain also does a lot of work while you’re sleeping; assimilating the day’s information, strengthening neural pathways, and pruning synapses. When our sleep suffers, all facets of our lives do as well. Far too many people endure a debilitating lack of sleep, impairing both their personal and professional lives when there are solutions available.

You may be tempted to get a prescription for sleep medicine if you have been having trouble sleeping, but before you try that, you should first test out these natural sleeping pills and techniques. Valerian root is one of the most effective herbs in the ingredients of natural sleeping pills to help you sleep, and unlike pharmaceuticals, these natural sleeping pills are not addictive. Native to Europe and Asia Valeriana Officinalis has sweet-smelling flowers that were used in perfume manufacture in the 16th century, but more useful still were the less showy bits – Valerian root has been used in traditional medicines for more than 2000 years and is considered over the counter sleep aid!

Valerenic acid, a constituent of the essential oil made from Valerian root, is widely believed to bind to GABAA receptors, the same receptors that benzodiazepines like Xanax act on. Even though Valerian is not for everyone, as some people find that it does not work for them, those for whom it does work will also find that these natural sleeping pills do not leave them feeling groggy in the morning like some other sleep medicine. Valerian root is an over the counter sleep aid, available in most drug stores or health food stores. Another thing to keep in mind with Valerian is that it takes a couple weeks to start working, so it is no good if you need a quick fix!

What's Better Natural Sleeping Pills, Prescription or Over the Counter Sleep Aid? 

Another natural element that is great for helping you sleep is melatonin, which is also an over the counter sleep aid that can be purchased at any pharmacy or health food store in Canada or the US and some European countries without a sleep medicine prescription. However, there are some countries that require a prescription. Melatonin is a hormone that regulates wakefulness and synchronizes our circadian rhythm, the 24hr clock our bodies run on. Your body naturally produces melatonin on its own, we start secreting it at 9pm and continue till 7:30am when secretion stops for the day. Unfortunately, our “open 24hrs” lifestyle and predilection for media devices and screen time can really mess with this natural process.

The blue light emitted by electronic devices confuses the brain as to what’s day and night. If you continue to use these devices late into the evening even supplementing your melatonin might not be enough. Unplug at least two hours before bed! Pick up a book instead. Some people find that melatonin causes them to be drowsy. Make sure you test these natural sleeping pills out on yourself a night when you've got nothing important the next day. The best way to help yourself get a better night’s sleep and stay away from the over the counter sleep aid or natural sleeping pills is the natural way of the ancient sleep medicine technique of relaxation. 

Of course, when you take this approach, you do not risk any sort of side effects that can come from ingesting pharmaceutical sleep medicine! Whether you take up a practice such as yoga or meditation, or just simply stretch and drink a cup of camomile tea, or a take a warm bath before bed, relaxation can help ease you into sleep. While exercising within two to three hours before bedtime can wake your system up more than it calms it down, a lower intensity stretching routine incorporating calming yoga poses can be just the ticket to dreamland.

Putting the television on to “fall asleep to” is tempting but remember, any kind of screen time (yes, that includes phones and tablets) can be very detrimental to your sleep cycle and will most likely have you running to the pharmacy looking for over the counter sleep aid. The blue light they emit is so like daylight it tricks the brain into thinking that it’s time to wake up. Do yourself a favour and pick up a book instead, and try staying away from over the counter sleep aid. When it’s time for lights out some people find nature sounds or white noise are very soothing to drift off to and would be the greatest natural sleeping pills your body wouldn’t ingest. 

There are even many apps available for free on phones/tablets, just make sure you turn the screen off while it plays! If you’ve tried these techniques and natural sleeping pills to no nighttime sleep success, I suggest your next step might be an over the counter sleep aid. Available without a prescription at drug stores and super markets, most product’s active ingredient is Diphenhydramine, an antihistamine most commonly known as Benadryl. Because of its sedative effects, with a little different marketing, we have an over the counter sleep medicine like Nytol. If that works for you, that’s great, but be a smart consumer, read your labels and ask the Pharmacists questions even about natural sleeping pills.

Remember to take this into consideration over the counter sleep aid and prescribed sleep medicine can become habit forming when used on a regular basis to get to sleep. Once you have tried all these approaches and you still can’t get a good night’s rest, it might be time to head to the doctor for a prescription for sleep medicine. Unlike natural sleeping pills, prescription sedatives tend to be even more addictive than an over the counter sleep aid so make sure you talk to your doctor about any risks. So, how to get a good night sleep the natural way? Natural sleeping pills made from Valerian root could give you some relief. Limiting screen time and trying a melatonin supplement is another.

Whether or not you’re suffering from a lack of sleep, everyone can benefit from relation techniques such as meditation or yoga and no one ever had a worse night sleep after a hot bath and a cup of calming herbal tea. If the natural way isn’t quite doing the trick for you an over the counter sleep aid or prescription from your doctor might be necessary, but good things take time! Give the natural way a chance to work for you before moving on to sleep medicine, results might not be instantaneous, but they will be easier on your body and mind.

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sleep medicine, over the counter sleep aid, natural sleeping pills

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