Showing posts with label Okra Recipes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Okra Recipes. Show all posts

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Eat More Okra!

Okra may send shivers down some people's spine while other people's mouths begin to water. People seem to either really enjoy the okra benefits or really hate it.  There doesn't seem to be much middle ground. Okra recipes are much more common fair in the southern part of the United States. This doesn’t mean that it can’t be enjoyed in all aspects of the States.

It is possible to find the vegetable in your local market's frozen food section if you are unable to locate it fresh. Eating veggie is very healthy for you, and there are many reasons for this. One benefit of eating it is that it can be used as a demulcent. This is a compound that can coat and ultimately soothe inflammation and pain of membranes. The demulcent in okra is mucilage.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

The Ten Healthy Snacks For Kids That They Will Gobble Up

healthy snacks ideas for kids, healthy snack ideas, snacks for kids ideas
Find delicious healthy snack ideas for kids and learn some of the best healthy snack ideas for children. Discover excellent snacks for kid's ideas so they can start getting healthy.

Has your child gained some weight lately, but you're not sure exactly what to do about it? Try these healthy snacks for kids to break your junk food addict of his or her bad habits. Excellent healthy snack ideas are to start out with some healthy snacks like fresh fruit of any kind of your choice. Start bringing home new fruit and have some fruit taste-testing events where your kids can try a few different types of fruit and vote on which one they like best. Mix in some everyday favourites with the new exotic fruits.

Try these healthy snack ideas by serving air-popped popcorn (without butter, please). Instead, spray with a tiny bit of water and then salt it. If your kids love caramel corn, try air-popped popcorn with a bit of low-cal pancake syrup; it's not a bad substitute. Get a bag of those pretzel thins and top with slivers of cheese. Try using a strong-flavoured cheese so you won't need much to flavour the pretzels. Boil up some eggs. Let the kids have a fun peel and eat the eggs. They'll keep them feeling full because they have a lot of protein in them.

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