Saturday, September 24, 2016

Eat More Okra!

Okra may send shivers down some people's spine while other people's mouths begin to water. People seem to either really enjoy the okra benefits or really hate it.  There doesn't seem to be much middle ground. Okra recipes are much more common fair in the southern part of the United States. This doesn’t mean that it can’t be enjoyed in all aspects of the States.

It is possible to find the vegetable in your local market's frozen food section if you are unable to locate it fresh. Eating veggie is very healthy for you, and there are many reasons for this. One benefit of eating it is that it can be used as a demulcent. This is a compound that can coat and ultimately soothe inflammation and pain of membranes. The demulcent in okra is mucilage.

People who suffer from digestion problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome, may benefit from eating this healthy veggie. It's low in calories but packs many nutrients in making it an exceptionally healthy veggie to add to your diet. Low-calorie count and high fibre make this ideal for people who are trying to lose weight.

The vegetable is also high in fibre, which helps keep your digestive tract healthy. Okra benefits are known to be rich in B vitamins along with vitamins A and C and a heart-healthy veggie! Okra recipes and eating just the veggie can help assist in lowering cholesterol when it is consumed regularly. Culinarily speaking, very often, it's used in gumbos and soups.

Okra has the unique ability to help thicken soups with its mucilage. Some people do enjoy it raw on salads, but this is very much a personal opinion. The veggie has been described as being similar in flavour to eggplant. To reduce the sliminess, it is recommended to fry the okra vegetable. You can also steam or boil, but it will a bit more slimy. You can enjoy the health benefits of okra in a massive number of recipes. Cajun cooking is an excellent example of a type of cuisine that includes okra.

Learn More About Okra Plant:

okra plant, cajune okra delicious recipes, health benefits from okra
Preparation of popular healthy okra recipe, delicious Stewed Okra and Tomatoes from New Orleans containing okra benefits from two main ingredients found fresh grown. 

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