Sunday, September 25, 2016

How To Stay Awake Without Coffee

How can you stay awake without coffee? Although there are studies that tell you that coffee health benefits are not good for you to consume regularly, the majority of studies these days will tell you that coffee - as long as it is not relied upon for a  natural energy boost, and as long as it's not consumed in excess - is excellent for you to consume; at the same time, however, many people do consume coffee in excess, or do rely on it for energy, and if you fall into either of these categories, here are a few things you can consider doing to stay awake without coffee.

If you have tried to simply "get more sleep" to skip the coffee and still stay awake, you have probably found that this does not exactly work; one solution that does work for most people, however, is replacing coffee with tea - and while tea does have caffeine in it, the caffeine content is lower, which will give you a hot, tasty drink that will not cause you to be quite so reliant upon drinking it all the time for energy.

Believe it or not, you can actually get just as big of a shot of energy as you would get from a cup of coffee by eating an apple, and apples are just one fruit that will be good for giving you energy; consider adding an apple or two - or a couple oranges, or a couple servings of berries - to your daily eating plan, and watch as your energy begins to climb.

And for those who love chocolate, realize that dark chocolate is a great way to keep yourself awake, as cocoa has several properties that help to boost energy; when you go for chocolate, however, make sure you are going for dark chocolate that has at least 70% cocoa, as this will keep you from experiencing sugar crashes as well.

Not every person who drinks coffee regularly needs to figure out a way to kick this habit to stay awake without coffee - but if you drink coffee excessively, or if you depend on coffee for energy, try any one of these three ideas, and watch as coffee no longer becomes a crutch that gets you going in your day for a natural energy boost.

staying awake without coffee, natural energy booster, benefits health from not drinking coffee
4 Easy tips to start helping you stay awake without having to resort to drinking coffee. Discover ways to stay away from drinking coffee all the time to remain awake.

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